Monday 24 August 2020

A quiet day in the office

Another milestone passed: 2000km.  And yet we are probably less than 300km as the crow flies!

We pass through some very nice countryside as we go, but don't often mention it. We've seen linseed/flaxoil, amazing amounts of maize (I think for biofuel), wheat, and today sunflowers.

One of the stops was Le Boel, where there was a weir and lock. The towpath (halage) is now a walking/cycling path, but we didn't make time  - perhaps we should, but the weather ahs been kinda changeable.

What's not to like about fishing?

Some sort of party going on

Our park-up

Like old times, beside a marina. We watched a family hire a boat for what was obviously the first time ever. The driver managed to hit the wharf, giving a few moored boats a jolt in the process, then hit both sides of the exit! I'd be a little worried about getting it back in one piece, but the hire company bloke seemed not too concerned.
It got a bit noisy from trains going by, but they gave us a break overnight.

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