Wednesday 28 August 2019


Up early in sunshine and got everything shipshape. We had a chat with a family from Luxembourg who travelled in a 4x4 camper through the 'stans. They have a blog advertised on the side of their camper but it hadn't been updated since 2016. Like us they find it very time consuming.

We eventually drove into town then spent time squabbling over parking. Sorry J.

Anyway, we only had one thing we really wanted to see.

And here she is. Sunk in 1628, recovered in 1969

Models of the recovery process. The wreck is undercut and cables passed under

The wreck is sealed and very slowly lifted

Once she was free from the bottom the silt and water was pumped out of the hull

Copies of the carving from the stern, with scientifically verified colour schemes

The mostly original stern. 95% of the ship is original

A nice cut-away model

Another nice diorama showing stages of ship-building

And back into the daylight again

We drove out of Stockholm and were treated with the most fantastic thunder and lightning display. It continued for about three hours with varying intensity. The best ones were very close and lit the entire sky up, but of course I have no photos. It did make for a spooky sun though, which the picture below does no justice to. It also bucketed down so we found another lakeside spot to watch the action from.

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