Wednesday 7 August 2019

I've got gas...

It was still miserable in the morning, but we stopped in at the Ski-jump. Its present form is from 2000 but there's been a jump here since the late 19th C.

Plenty of company despite the miserable conditions

The bottom end of the ski-jump. There's a zip line running down it in the summer

The top end looming out of the mist like a Brontosaurus

Just a few visitors. One arrived in a taxi, didn't even get out then left again. Tick.

That's J on the centre-right experiencing a ski simulator. She seemed to enjoy it - more so than the kid in the middle!

Our big task  for the day was to find gas. Batteries can be recharged, but the gas was a problem. The first place couldn't help, as British tanks generally can't be filled in Scandinavia, so we drove on looking for someone who could help. Some gas fillers have the right adapters but it seems to be the luck of the draw. A motorhome (Bobil in Norway) salesperson gave us a few leads, one of which we had on our own list anyway, so we headed there. They couldn't help either so we bit the bullet  and bought a Norwegian gas bottle and regulator. It's propane rather than butane and cost a fortune but it should last until we get home where I will try to sell it.

The gas ran out because we'd been running our fridge on it nearly all the time.We were doing that because when we first tried running off battery the fridge had defrosted. What we didn't realise is that it only runs off battery when the engine is running, then it shuts off which is when you change over to gas. Had we done this all the way we'd still have plenty of (British) gas and no need for a Norwegian bottle. We still have a lot to learn.

Even tunnels have roundabouts!

I thought that I had some pictures to take in this part of Norway. Turns out they are not, but we weren't too far out of the way where we ended up, south of Tonsberg. It was down a windy one lane road and we couldn't imagine what it would be like if two caravans met!

Power, laundry, but no internet. Full batteries, full gas, full closet. Still no step buzzer or LEDs.

Showerometer: 16

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