Wednesday 7 August 2019

Oslo and out...

It rained overnight. In fact it bucketed down and blew some to boot, with thunder and lightning, and being at the top of a mountain we copped the worst of it. Some peals were coming at virtually the same time as the lightning, so I reckon the telecom tower must have been zapped a couple times.

Compare this to yesterday's post!

I got an OsloPass which gave me museum entry as well as transport. I had to see at least three museums to make it worthwhile. J just got a transport pass and did her thing in town. I went across the harbour to the Fram Museum, National Maritime Museum and Kon Tiki Museum. (I should also have seen the Viking Boat Museum but got up too late.)

The Fram museum was centred around Amundsen's ice-proof boat, but covered the whole history of exploration of the Artic and Antartic so kept me busy for 3 hours.

Memorial to those lost at sea in the war

Fram. Rounded hull and reinforced bow protected her from the ice

Some nice dioramas to illustrate events

View on deck

Reinforced hull

The NMM was underwhelming. They had some nice ship models but there just wan't much to see at all.

The Kon Tiki Museum was a good one though. Thor Heyerdahl was a pretty interesting bloke!

Kon Tiki, the balsa boat which he and his crew sailed to Polynesia from Peru

Ra II, the papyrus boat which his crew sailed from Morocco to the Caribbean (Ra sank 650km short.)

That night our gas ran out completely. It turns out our reserve bottle was empty. Oops. We had also been unplugged so long and driving so little that we ran our leisure battery down and couldn't even make a cuppa. Disaster! We had an early night since there was no power to run anything, and the LEDs which we'd paid £100 pounds to have fixed stopped working so we had no lights. The buzzer to let us know the steps were down also stopped. Everything on the same day!!

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