Monday 1 July 2019

Leaving one see to see another see but not seeing that see, you see?

With such a nice  environment, why rush away? We caught up on our blogs, despite the lousy internet, Skyped family, then went for a walk. We were aiming for the next lake over but ended up seeking a drink instead, as it was a tad hot.

We discovered a whisky museum and tasting venue, and while neither of us drink whisky we found a decent cake and tea and coffee.

Where's our bl@@dy drinks then?

Pretty as a picture

The walk was nice: through fields, forest and village.

Just like at home, each village has its memorial to the fallen,and family names recur.

There are plenty of horses in this area, and all of north Germany it seems.

Open woods let in lots of light for walkers

A horse walks into a bar, and the barman says "Why the long face?"

That evening the weather came up windy so we packed the furniture away.

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