Monday 8 July 2019

Westward Ho!

We left Schleswig today, heading west via an old Viking settlement. Hedeby had controlled the trade routes across Denmark and became a capital. There are extensive earthwork walls running across this part of Denmark to slow north-south movement. The town was also protected by such walls and the harbour.

Protective walls. 

And examples of what they protected

Hedeby was in an inlet so quite secure secure sea-ward 

These house-martins (we think) were very cute, but mum and dad were kept very busy!

Hedeby fell out of favour and the inhabitants moved across the Schlei to Schleswig. Our stellplatz was behind those yachts. You can also see Denmark's module for the ICC in its launchpad.

From Hedeby we travelled to the west coast or thereabouts, as we are going to circle clockwise around the Jutland peninsular. We stopped at a cheap place attached to a swimming pool. The pool had a cafe attached so while we didn't swim (too windy and cold) we watched others while supping beer and eating chips.


Just a carpark, but we  weren't alone... (again). It's a little surprising how many people are doing this motorhoming thing.

And who would expect a pipe-band in Germany? Sadly practice was Saturday so I didn't get to loosen up my fingers. 

Showerometer 15 (mixed  showers are an acquired taste).

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