Thursday 18 July 2019

Lego House

After Alex's recommendation we had to go to Lego House. We used my SMBC gift to pay for the two of us, so thank you all once again. (You'd better be reading because I'll be testing you on this.)

It's very interactive and has plenty to keep young and old occupied for a day. Highly recommended.

They actually manufacture bricks on-site. Everyone gets to take some freshly made bricks home with them. J and I couldn't see that 12 bricks would be of much use to us so passed on the opportunity. 

Each display is changed regularly

The gallery is also changed regularly. Especially that kid. He was rubbish.


J and my creations in the city building zone. Mine's the best one of course.

We had to work together on this one. I was best of course.

Mine was best of course except for coming last and hers first. Twice. Mine at far end, her's near. That orange thing took  me out twice. Bloody kids. Amateurs!

J's fish

My fish. Mine was best of course.

J's creation worked pretty well on the high-wire.

This was my original avatar. (The one on the left dummy.) And of course that's J on the right.

Hopefully you can see me in the background while J hogs the limelight.

Another one of the notable features of Denmark is the number of robot lawn-mowers in use. They're seldom seen in the UK,  but seem to be everywhere here.

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