Sunday 14 July 2019

More Bunkers! And some other stuff.

We continued up the Jutland peninsula then crossed over to an island. I never really clicked that the top of Denmark is an island: Vendsyssel. Denmark seems to be one huge sand-dune. All that scraping by glaciers has flattened most high points and the few hills are often signs of terminal moraines. We stopped at one of these to see a lighthouse, and driving in from a distance could see a number of para-gliders.

Morning view

View from a sand dune looking  over to the Nissum fjord 

Lunch on another harbourside

Very typical view of the countryside. Wind generators are everywhere. (One other notable landscape feature, or the opposite, is the absence of power cables. No roadside poles so all must be buried.)

Another typical feature. The country churches seem to be built to a standard plan.

And our view as we came close to the lighthouse. The building on the skyline is yet another bunker - this time a radar position and a personnel bunker this side of it.

We stayed to watch for quite some time. There were also people abseiling from the lighthouse, so all in all an entertaining lunch break. 

Just the odd paraglider, and more behind me.

Quite colourful 

Bovbjerg Fyr

View from the top

Well, there had to be at least one didn't there?

Queuing to walk of a lighthouse. No thanks!


This was showing off. He had passengers (one at a time at different times) and was giving them quite a thrilling ride.

They were getting uplift from the cliffs and could stay in the air as long as they wished.

The day wasn't over even after all that excitement. We crossed over to Vendsyssel and there were more bunkers defending the crossing of course. We didn't stop to look them over though.

More bunkers

Our camp was on a smaller island off the big one: Jegindo. It was yet another harbour stop. Only two power points for all the campers but we have power to burn. (Just not gas, ironically.) 

Just look at that chrome dome!

This crab had a nasty tactic - he kept trying to pluck the other's eye stalk out.

Tranquil on the surface, despite the battles below.

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