Sunday 28 May 2023

A slow start

 Despite the stated hours of opening at our park-up, there was no-one to pay, and more importantly no-one to give us change for the showers. We fluffed about until the office opened then it was time for lunch so we didn't get going until about 1:30. The shower was worth waiting for though.

It wasn't long before we were driving through a thunderstorm and it got so bad we pulled off the road. We had a drink and a snooze while there was Sturm UND Drang, and Reggie got hammered by hailstones the size of gaming dice. We must have been in the heart of it for a while as the lightning and thunder were near simultaneous at times. We couldn't hide forever though, so on we went. Flashes of lightning in the distance can be quite cool.

The rain in Spain, and not on the plain.

We didn't really get far, but the rain stopped by dinner time.

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