Tuesday 18 September 2007

More Rugby

Jeeez, it's all starting to blur now. We watched the Tonga-Samoa match on Sunday which was entertaining for its close score, even if it wasn't the running match we'd expected. I wasn't sure who I wanted to win, but I'm sure Samoa will be very disappointed they didn't finish off a 13 man team.

I had work at John Cabot Monday, Tuesday, nothing Wednesday and work again today, Thursday. That'll help the bank balance. After school today I dashed back into town (as much as you can dash on a bus) and had an interview for a job with LloydsTSB. I thought the interview went well, but we'll have to see. They are sprucing up their branches (now called 'stores') and need a team to administer the project. It would be about 6 or 7 months work if it goes anywhere to plan. I like the fact it is not going to go forever, and it ties in well with our next trip to Italy. Of course the pay isn't anything like teaching, but it is more regular, and the office is just across the harbour.

Probably at JC tomorrow, but they never call until the last minute (7:30). The routine is setting in already...

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