Monday 3 September 2007

Another day older and deeper in debt

The sun shines on Bristol town today. The beach is being slowly demolished after its brief moment in the sun. It's unclear where the sand will go, probably trucked as far as the river and tipped in to be flushed away with the tide.

Speaking of which, we enjoyed a full moon last week and J and I saw the bottom of the Avon for the first time so far. 10 shooping - shooping? Let's try shopping - trolleys, 2 bikes, one large boat, and various items of building waste. (No bodies, although, sadly, one was fished out opposite us while we were away.) There was of course an extremely high tide as well and although we didn't see this it must have been quite a spectacle judging by the high water marks. There would have been a difference of somewhere over 10 metres I reckon. You can imagine the havoc this would have caused among the moored ships before the floating harbour was built.

I've done the shopping and shooping as well, so I'll try to write some more. I've covered two parts of the Cassino battles so far: the 28th Battalion attack on the Railway Station and the 26th Battalion/19th Regiment attack on the same. They must have been desperate to catch that train, huh? If anyone would like a preview just ask and I'll send it through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

send it thru Perry, I'll give it a whirl !!