Friday 11 September 2020

Westward no!

 The fishermen were out on the high tide, and so were we. We tootled along the coast again, checking out whatever sights we stumbled across. 

Aber Wrac'h. (I presume Aber is river.) We had lunch overlooking this estuary.

Pharo (lighthouse) de L'Ile Vierge, the tallest in France

A bunker protecting an important bridge

For our last night (?) before Brest we stopped on the west coast of Brittany. 

Just a few minutes' walk up the coast is the western-most point of continental France.

Are these stones natural or man-handled? From this distance it appears to be a central statue with columns on a flat platform. As you move you can see it isn't a statue but are the blocks natural?

Definitely not natural. More German concrete, in this case a wall blocking an exit from the beach.
We got some actual waves for a change. We can hear them from the camp, so they may send us to sleep.

Lots of secluded coves

Someone had some fun with explosives, but couldn't be arsed cleaning up the mess afterwards. An ex German bunker

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