Sunday 15 September 2019

We needed a bit of a lift

Leaving the Elbe we headed for Lueneburg. En-route we visited the twin-shiplift on the Elbe Lateral Canal at Scharnebeck. It's monstrous! Rather than a 38m lock and all that water, there are two troughs that are raised and lowered. Well, normally two, but currently one is being renovated. And these fit some pretty big boats (ships?) - 105m x 12m x 3.38m. That's some pretty cool engineering.

 So, trough carries the ship down, gates open, ship leaves...

Then new ship enters, gates close, trough lifts ship. All counter-balanced so very little energy required.

A model of an early (30's?) version

A model of this one. We thought it was a small hydro-electric generator on the left, but it's just for regulating water levels.

 Next stop was Lueneburg, as in the Lueneburger Heide. Another Hanseatic town with lots of old buildings.

That brick-layer shouldn't have passed his apprenticeship.

Sam Clemens (aka Mark Twain) whom I've been reading. It was nice meeting him though he didn't say much. I think maybe my hairdo scared him. Or maybe I just got too close...

Camp was pretty much in the middle of town so we could walk in and out. We couldn't believe how many MHs there are still around at this time of year!

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