Monday 23 September 2019

Bridge to Bridge

We got up early enough but were still finishing breakfast when we heard aircraft. There was a  Spitfire circling,  so we ran to get a half-decent view. It was followed by 5 Hercules (or 4 and a Transall?) that started dropping paras,  10 at a time each plane. They circled 18 times (we think) so that was 400 paras.

It was clear we weren't close enough, so we jumped on the bikes and pedalled to a better viewpoint.

After this drop finished we continued up to the official viewpoint and spent the next 4 hours there. In all there were around 1300 paras dropped in three bunches of around 400 each time,  plus a Dakota flight dropped a few.

My video is too big to upload, except for this snippet:

After all that excitement we moved a little closer to Arnhem to stop for the night.

1 comment:

Laurence Skermer said...

Marvellous pictures, Perry. Glad you made it there.