Sunday 29 September 2019

Just dropping in

We drove up the Liberty Road and crossed the bridge at Arnhem. The bridge is post-war as somewhat ironically the original was blown up after the battle to prevent the Germans from using it to supply their troops south of the river!

The southern approach

The northern approaches. The brick structure featured in the fighting, but you can see behind it that all is new. Some are even second generation new as the original '50's buildings are being replaced.

Continuing on we drove to Oosterbeek and the famous Hartenstein building that became the para's HQ/Hospital. I think we just missed Prince Charles' visit  - either before it or after it - as there were lots of vets, wartime vehicles,  etc, etc there.

Horsa glider. Charlie was shown sitting in the pilot's seat. Plebs weren't allowed.

A recreation of the HQ 'office'

I had been to the museum 30 years ago but it has been enlarged since then. It was pleasing to at last see a copy of the AtB twinset (Market-Garden: Then and Now), which we arranged to best light on the shelves.

Our camp ended up being in a fortress built in 1846 as part of the Water Line, the Dutch defensive positions built around deliberate flooding zones. The fortress now hosts a museum (only open Sundays), a cafe and a brewery.


Showerometer: 18

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