Sunday 23 June 2019

Little things

The three main attractions are an old ship (1909), a castle and Miniaturland. The ship was absent, hopefully not sunk, and we've seen a few castles already so I forced J to see the latter.

Miniaturland shows highlights of towns around the area, including Leer itself, in HO scale (1/87). Trains go around, boats sail the waterways (or should - none seem to be sailing on this day), trucks, tractors and cars move around and there are little interactive bits that you set off with buttons. A lot of work has gone into this attraction, and the modellers have filled it with little human stories.

This fair is in our car park - Reggie is about where the red sign is below the Ferris wheel.

Hall 1. There're two of these halls.

Somebody call the cops!


This was animated. You can imagine...

There was an  outside railway at a larger scale but it made me feel sad. I think the whole thing had been set up with great hopes and as some group's passion, but the feeling I got was that it was already past its prime and was starting to get run down again. I wonder how many years it will survive for?

The temperature was well into the 20s so our walk was a warm one. Sadly my sun-allergy has returned so I have to wear long-sleeved shirts and it gets rather sticky! And a heat-wave of 30+ degrees is promised...

The Stadtfest was still going so we watched a couple of the bands for a while. Our favourite was the Moonshine Boppers who played rockabilly, rock and roll, and a little blues. Oddly (to us), although several of the audience were dressed for the style, no one danced it! In Britain there'd be guaranteed a few couples dancing appropriately. Award for weirdest song? All Along The Watchtower performed rockabilly!

Sadly the evening was a marred by a bag theft from right in front of us, witnessed by J. The owner seems to have got it back but we're not sure of its contents. In the Netherlands youths would nod and say hello to us. Here we've seen youths fronting up for a fight, pissing in doorways in public, and stealing bags. It's like being back in Britain.

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