Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Heading north for a change

We're still following a Route Touristique but their signposting isn't great and often a sign is missing at an intersection that requires a decision. Very annoying and a source of stress between J and I. Today we ended up on a farm track, and the Tom Tom tried to take us down a cycle path a couple times. Methinks the French maps need some serious updating! Anyway, first stop was Redon.

This tower is rather eye-catching. It was intended to be one of two and connected to the church in the background, but in the mid 14th C a succession war was fought in Brittany, the town was looted twice, and the funds were no longer available to finish the project. Then in 1780-ish the front of the church behind the tower burned down, leaving the tower out on its own. The remaining part of the church got the new facade you see to the right and never the twain shall meet!

Redon is unusual for being a crossroads for a river/canal system. I young girl seemed to have a summer job as the lockmaster who also had to look after the bridge. She was a bit flustered when we saw her as there were cars and vans trying to cross the bridge as well as a queue of boats trying to use the lock. A bit of a juggling act for her, but she got there in the end.

Lunchtime, and the streets are once again completely empty

Romanesque tower from 11th C, but love that curving rook, which is reasonably new. (200-250 years old?)

If you can't add a feature, paint it as if you can
Quite a dynamic sculpture

We saw this artist's work the other day at Chateau du Pere. The ant things, not J, though we saw her there too. 

Redon is the furthest south we've been but we are heading back toward the coast again. We want to visit Rennes, but we thought we'd visit the heart of Arthurian legend - not Camelot in Britain, but Paimpont in Brittany. In fact we are only 9 miles from Merlin's tomb - or so they say.

Seven dogs - yes seven - in one motorhome. Even with a trailer you'd have to love dogs!

Autumn already?

Foret de Broceliande

Three HP. Look how stocky those horses are. They are probably bred from knight's steeds.

An exhibition of fantasy art. Not my choice of subject but interesting work all the same.

The knights of the round table would be a little embarrassed by their street I think. 

A sad end to a little Renault 4.

Our park-up was a camp so we we could power-up and have a shower. Two nights running we have run out of power, mostly because of the overcast, but also because we are a bit wasteful of it - running many electrical devices can drain the battery pretty quickly. (I'm more worried about gas which will run out soon enough and can't be filled in France. Looks as if we'll have to buy yet another bottle.)

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