Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Job stuff

We checked in at the letting agent and they said the credit checks had all gone through so tomorrow afternoon we move in (unless there is any wierdness in the contract). J had an interview with Coca Cola which seemed to go well although the conditions were less than perfect so she may not take it. She has another interview tomorrow at a school which may be better.

I will be available from Thursday on, so I hope some supply teaching work starts coming in from then. It pays well but may send me all over Gloucs. We are struggling to get our heads around the distances sometimes. I may have to commute for an hour each way for some positions!

I also signed up for IT positions and turned down a job today because it was a permanent position (and paid far less than teaching).

Tonight we offered to babysit M and let C&M have a night out. They've gone to the movies and M settled well, so as soon as I finish here J & I can relax. There probably won't be as many photos for a while, except of the new flat and surrounds I guess, and the entries are guaranteed to become more mundane, perhaps even banal. Let me know if that happens and I'll do a ram-raid or something to liven things up again.

Please feel free to comment. It's nice to know who is reading this thing, and to keep connected to home. And if you'd like links to your own pages, or perhaps to any start-up B&B businesses that you know of just let me know.


Anonymous said...

Perry and Judi,
I'm reading your blog everyday so it's good to see you guys are still keeping a diary. We still haven't got our driveway in yet but we have planted lots of stuff so weekends are busy.

Good luck with the job hunting

Beat Babe said...

Don't panic Perrywinkle, I'm reading your blog to. It makes me feel like I'm out of the country living a slightly more exciting life.

Anonymous said...

great to hear how things are going. Finally a good use for a blog. I can pretend I am not teaching at bayfield high school for a little while. Can you guess who this is?