...an Internet connection! Rather than forking out for landline and ISDN or cable, we have kicked that whole scene and gone cellular. Like W back in Amberley we can now roam around the UK (or even Europe, but at roaming rates) to where-ever there is signal strength. Even better, the slowest thing about the whole process was filling out the paperwork. (OK, we did have blue screens of death for a while but J traced that to DVD43. Apparently the modem SIMM card is seen as a CD and when DVD43 goes to poll it... kaboom!)
As part of this new way of life we are going to skip TV completely too. All we have to do is convince the licensing people we've done this!
Today we went through Catbrain to the huge mall at Cribb's Causeway. Don't you love those names? You couldn't make up a name like Catbrain. It happens to be near the Saracens Rugby Club but I don't think there's any connection. The whole exercise was horrible. The mall is pretty much like a Kiwi one, only bigger, but that isn't to say there is any more choice. There are just more of the same things, and/or more space. Prices don't compare favourably either, even in pound terms. And the traffic! There were queues for miles. I can't say I enjoyed myself, and the only things we ended up with were three plants and this connection. Bah.
As part of this new way of life we are going to skip TV completely too. All we have to do is convince the licensing people we've done this!
Today we went through Catbrain to the huge mall at Cribb's Causeway. Don't you love those names? You couldn't make up a name like Catbrain. It happens to be near the Saracens Rugby Club but I don't think there's any connection. The whole exercise was horrible. The mall is pretty much like a Kiwi one, only bigger, but that isn't to say there is any more choice. There are just more of the same things, and/or more space. Prices don't compare favourably either, even in pound terms. And the traffic! There were queues for miles. I can't say I enjoyed myself, and the only things we ended up with were three plants and this connection. Bah.
We went for a short walk down the river, giving a homeless guy a pound since he was incredibly polite, and watching a boat full of young girls in pink. Well I was watching them more closely than J - some lovely legs on show. 8-)
We heard from Dad and M yesterday. They have been waltzing in Vienna and elsewhere, and were in Athens I believe. We may yet catch up with them.
PS. Don't know what happened with the photo, but the quality is not very good.
J is bugging me to log o
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