Yesterday we went to J's interview for a school Financial Manager's role (they rang this morning and offered her the job), and then on to see where my first supply teaching will be. Both are rather further out than we'd planned, being in Portishead and Weston-super-Mare respectively, but the pay is good and I can drop J on the way to mine. I have 6 days and J isn't sure of how long hers may last, but possibly the term or longer.
Then it was back into town to pick up keys, and pay the large amounts of money required. J has transferred all our savings over and it arrived just in time to pay for the rent. We popped back to M&Cs and loaded up the boxes and bags, then moved into our central city converted warehouse apartment. It was much cleaner than last time we visited and after some reshuffling of furniture it is now looking very cosy. There is a sofa bed for all the visitors we'll be getting (that's a hint for everyone 8-) ), but not enough drawers or other forms of storage for all our clothes. We now have a shopping list for things we require, and it gets longer by the minute...
I tried to steal some bandwidth but everyone's wireless is well secured, unlike back in NZ. One priority will be to get wired up for Internet. The flat has a cable connection, so we might possibly go for a package but then again, that's a luxury...

OK, it's now 7:pm. We've been out shopping for bits and pieces for the flat. The git's car is still in place and appears now to have a flat tire. Fortunately someone else has moved so most of the cars can get out. We're both exhausted and have to be up early for work, so I'll log off now.

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