Sorry I've not been posting. Well, the cut-back to the M5 was the way to go. Shaved whole minutes off the drive time...
On Wednesday we went to a French movie - My Best Friend - and enjoyed it very much. It was at the Watershed in a refurbished section of the waterfront quite close to us. There was a moment of disorientation on coming out as the old brain tried to figure out where Moray Place had gone. We had a nice drink - mine's a cider thanks - and a bowl of wedges as we watched the various people drift by. It could actually have been a scene in Paris or Amsterdam with the water and adjacent buildings. I've been neglecting to take the camera out which I'll have to rectify.
The weather hasn't been particularly nice but the sun did come out yesterday. It was my last day (possibly) at Priory, and I had one lovely class twice in the day just to prove they're not all bad 'uns. They role-played a documentary on the closing of the Welsh coal-mines and we filmed it on their cell-phones. (MOBILES, sorry, as they keep reminding me.) To balance it up, I had two hours of little shits.

J was a little less chirpy this morning. I had a day in Churchill Community School in a tiny village (called Churchill). Surprisingly the school itself had a roll of 1800 pupils, so they must ship them in from miles around. The atmosphere there was decidedly better than Priory, and the classes were more relaxed. There was one Religious Education class that was not very cooperative, and dance is not really something I feel able to teach, but the day as a whole was a good one. On the way home the agency rang to say I'd be in there again on Monday.
When I picked up J, the Priory staff football (soccer) team had just arrived to play her school's staff. If I'd had some gear I'd have shown them just how poorly Kiwis can play. By then it was raining so I used that as an excuse. J has been doing really well at her job and I'm certain they're very impressed with her efficiency and competency. She should be getting paid more!

On the email front Dad and M are now in England but we may not be able to meet up. They're pretty busy, and in the 'wrong' bits. Worse was the news that the Sarfies had got two teams into the Super 14 finals. Were the semis good games? Anyone care to comment? This weekend is the FA Cup final so we'll sit in a pub somewhere to watch that.
Ciao for now.
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