Thursday, 29 June 2023

Going mediaeval on your a#$@

We explored the village which proved pretty cool.

Then on to Zaragoza.

Nature's best efforts

Again, not much in the way of photos as I was driving. The road was through badlands with some pretty cool rock formations. Also, more church towers on angles. We've seen more wonky towers in Spain than all of our other trips so far!

To add to the drama we drove through a big thunderstorm. I do like a bit of donder und blitzen.

We had a site recommended to us. Medinaceli, a well preserved mediaeval village stop quite a steep hill.

Parking was on a big open field, with quite a view.

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Prado, but no proof

I think it 40 today. Scorching, but still we did the tourist thing.

However, I think I had mild heatstroke as a I was pretty crook. I had lots to drink but it took two days to get over it.

Madrid's a huge city but our interest was in the Prada. Our site was out of town and we took the metro in and out.

The centre of Spain. Km 0 where all distances are measured from.

If you visit the Prado after 5.00 it's free, so we joined the queue. You can't take photos so I have surprisingly few of Madrid this day.

Monday, 26 June 2023

Toledo steel/stone

 After a quick exploration yesterday we took a little more time. It was hot, damned hot, but we discovered there were covered escalators to take us up to the town.

There the highlight was the Primate Cathedral of St Mary of Toledo. Pretty blingy but the statuary under the wind was masterful.

We really struggled to find somewhere to eat afterward, strangely enough.

Then, on to Madrid.

Gotta be a big city nearby for this traffic.

Nice sunset, but we aren't alone...

Sunday, 25 June 2023

Why is everything always on a hill?

The wedding was surprisingly quiet though there were bursts of music into the early hours. We walked up the step path into the town, with good views of the weather worn rocks lining the gorge. Surprisingly, Cuenca has a science museum with some decent exhibits, including sections on time devices and space travel.

Visiting art galleries is compulsory, even if the art is often somewhat inaccessible. These do resonate somehow.

Lovingly maintained, and it suits the old square.

Cuenca is famous for these old buildings hanging over the cliffs.

All that walking deserves a sit-down.

The last supper, but in 3d for a change!

From Cuenca it was on to Toledo where, amongst its notable historic events, Franco gained prestige by relieving a siege of the citadel during the civil war. We had a very handy site on the other side of the river.

Saturday, 24 June 2023

Sooo tired

 I have a cold or nasal infection so for the second night got no sleep. Felt like a zombie this morning. 

We're heading inland toward Madrid so slowly climbing. I think 1200m was the highest today. 

I had a kip on a hydroelectric dam. Since a new road was put in this one is not heavily used: sometimes there were no other cars to be seen. Our Satnav took us off the road, through a town, then back on the original road! (It's possible I took the wrong exit on a roundabout.)

Jude was walking around Reggie and noticed our TV dome was gone! We had heard a big bang a few days ago but thought it was a cuboard's contents rearranging themselves. The aerial no longer worked anyway due to a frequency change, but the mechanism is now open to the weather, and to catching on branches, etc.

Our stop is at Cuenca which is a heritage city. We are staying in a gorge by a river, over looked by the township. The temperature is quite reasonable and there is the soft sond of running water. The reviews promised "tranquility" but didn't mention the restaurant that is tonight hosting a wedding. So far the music isn't too loud...