Thursday 2 July 2009

Mugged by the NHS

I've just got back from the dentist. For the first time since arriving in the UK I've managed to register with an NHS dentist and have a tooth looked at after my (private) NZ dentist's filling had fallen out leaving a huge hole. I don't have any reason to believe that today's dentist is any less professional but I came out feeling as if I'd been mugged. There is no pleasantry, no time taken to explain what was going on in any depth, and little discussion of options. Wham, bam, thank you man - that'll be £198 payable in advance. The British system has turned NHS dentistry into a factory process where the rewards are in getting as many people through the doors as possible, rather than any concern for the patient's well-being.

The bad news is that most of the tooth had to be removed, and that work he needs to do will take another two muggings - sorry, appointments. The good news is that the nerve was avoided, and it is half the price of private, which makes the price of a few extra platitudes somewhere around £200!

Meanwhile, Britain is enjoying a 'heat wave' so we are told. It certainly has been hot and we have suffered our first casualty. Our poor fridge gave up the struggle, and while the freezer still functions, the fridge itself only serves to warm things up. We have improvised and made it an ice-box, but the landlady is replacing it sometime tomorrow.

I have had more supply teaching which is OK, but I had a few run-ins with students yesterday which reminded me why I gave it up. At least you get variety. Yesterday I was a Spanish teacher although no hablo Espanol, a science teacher and a support teacher. Previously it was English.

Still no work, or even a sniff of work.

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