Tuesday 10 March 2009

And hello again

We've got free WiFi so might as well add a note.

We got into Paris OK and negotiated public transport to Nation. A friendly Parisian went out of his way to help us find our Hotel. It's funny that the Poms complain about rude Frenchmen when both of my visits have been marked by the opposite. Vive le France!

We had a nice meal in a local, busy, restaurant. I had sausages and mash, though in French so ever so sophisticated. J had Quatre Fromage, Tataline, blah blah - cheese on toast with salad. My French is atrocious (well, non-existant really) and I keep saying si instead of oui. Dumbarse.

We had a bit of a wander but it was dark and cold so we came back to the hotel to watch the Simpsons dubbed in French, some musical 'where are they now' show in Spanish, and a US cop show in German. The hotel is nothing special, but not too bad either and in quite a nice location. We're only here two nights anyway. It does have this free WiFi though, so there's a bonus!


Kay said...

Good to follow your ups and downs! Keep posting...

Anonymous said...

have fun - congrats to Judi on the job offer - would've read this before but virgin broke our internet...

Work was fun today. In an effort to get S, P and N to do more work, they are now offering an hour off for people who do over 375 in a week, instead of a cash prize. Hmmm...

Enjoy the weather!