Sunday 17 August 2008


J's job fell through which is a real bummer. We're now living like pensioners without the pension which isn't quite the plan.

J's been investigating her family history and it turns out we are living in the middle of it! Of the four addresses she has traced so far three are in Leith and we are in the centre of the triangle those make, with none of them more than 1 km away. Sadly each of them has been 'redeveloped' so no trace of the contemporary buildings remain. (More of this on her blog.)

We spent a day in the Scottish National Library, and I shall return tomorrow as it has some good books on the battles around Cassino.

The Fringing has slowed down as the free tickets have dried up and we are rather cost conscious. We've still seen a few more of varying quality and will see more yet. Meantime we go for walks and soak up the precious few hours of sunshine that are delivered. Yesterday we walked along the Leith to the city centre. It would have been drier to use the Water of Leith Walk I suppose. The latter uses the path of an old industrial railway for much of its length and it is quite interesting to see the extent of those lines. Perhaps ironic that current debate in the city is over a passenger tram being installed, with some saying a light rail system would have done the job better...

Not much else to report I'm afraid.

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