Friday 11 July 2008

Job and flat hunting

We went to Edinburgh on Wednesday to have a look at flats. I seem to be in a Catch-22 situation as Reeds say I can't get work without an address, and the letting agents say we can't get an address without work. It'll be interesting to see how that gets resolved.

We saw a couple of horrible flats but one particularly nice one. The latter had a queue of people to view it! We have to go onto a list of interested people and the agent will base their decision on the references they receive. That could be an issue for us as we have no current employment...

It is still raining. If this is summer, I don't look forward to winter.

I emailed off my article to the publisher for comment. Now it is just wait and see what he thinks. It was a big disappointment not to find the last set of matches I needed to complete the article satisfactorily, but there should be enough otherwise to make it worhwhile.

Other than that, all is quiet.

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