Tuesday, 4 December 2007

VC or no VC, that is the question

The value of these medals is as a symbol of an individual's unselfish act on behalf of the country, a value all collectors must recognise, so it is ironic that (it would seem) an unscrupulous collector has made the ultimate in individual selfish acts at the expense of the nation. I think it is a disaster from a cultural perspective.

I saw Col Blimp on a video clip and can't really imagine him deep in the Malayan jungle, but who can tell. It would be sweet if he was directly responsible for the loss and got his arse kicked, but I doubt it. I hope the Trust gets the medals back soon anyway.

Today's news is that the EU is planning to put the kybosh on temping. They say that we poor temps are being used by naughty employers to avoid hiring people full time. I guess we will all be forced to become contractors to get around it.

J got another job today, so she's happy. It's in Bath which is only a dozen miles but took her 45 minutes in the car in early afternoon. Imagine the rush hour!

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