I don't want to talk about it. Oh all right, due to an internal calendar error I turned up at the PRO/NA to find it closed for alterations. Great start to a trip to London. Too late to organise a visit anywhere else, so I had to meet up with J and then followed a day from hell waiting for the shopping to finish. For all that Oxford street is raved about, it seems to be the same shops repeated ad nauseum - there are about 4 Zara's, 3 Bromley & somethings, half-a-dozen Nexts... Anyway, we got to the New Zealand shop - Kiwi Fruits - just before it closed and J now has some Marmite, we shared an L&P, and scoffed a Whittaker's and a Licorice Log. Then we wandered around filling in time until the bus left at 9. I discovered a military bookshop after it closed, so have somewhere to go next visit at least. When we came to take pictures of the street lights it turned out the camera battery was flat so I would have been handicapped at the PRO anyway. We bought a new one and took some pics - see Js site for these. These shots are off my phone, btw.

We waited for the bus and after 9 oclock came and went with no sign of it we were informed the bus-stop had been moved and the bus had gone. 7 people got caught out in the same way so it wasn't just us. The rival company had a delayed sign for their bus but after waiting half an hour it was clear we'd missed that also, so we didn't actually leave London until 11:30, and got home at 2:50.
It ended up a fecking expensive jar of Marmite, and the lights were only average.
Next morning there was a bill for the electricity that the company still hasn't sorted out, so they copped it all. And it's raining...
I got marmite in my cupboard - always have. Or is NZ marmite different to ours?
Thanks for visiting MEG. J assures me that there's Marmite and there's Marmite and the NZ is indeed different to the UK. It all tastes like tar to me so I can't confirm this!
I think I would like to try some NZ Marmite.
You can only buy it at the NZ shop in London and only in huge jars so you would have to hope you liked it a lot. I think I have enough for 3 years, I will get P to make you a sandwhich!
If he brings me a sandwich, I'll loan you Hogfather. Deal?
I changed my mind. It has to be on toast.
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