Well, what a week it's been. Work has been a disaster, with my colleague in tears this morning. Everything that could go wrong with our remuneration run did. This morning we discovered (or she did since she starts before me) that our 'corrected' run was incorrect! We tried to recall the emails, but most got delivered anyway. Good for over-time though...

I've been unofficially offered another 3 months there which would be OK as long as I get the time off when C's over. Mind you, they may reconsider after all that's gone wrong this week.
On Friday last we had dinner with some people from the apartment buildings. Usual conservative bunch, but the odd interesting conversation. One fellow had done his National Service but clearly didn't like the basic training. I think he was a bit of a mummy's boy so having to clean soggy paper out of the bottom of a bathtub was not his idea of fun. I guess he learnt to have clean boots on parade!

On Saturday we had a long stroll along the Avon toward Bath. We walked about six miles before giving up and getting the bus back. It was a lovely day and with the trees in autumn colour it was quite picturesque. Next time we'll start there and walk further, then get another bus and so on. If you'd like to see some pics, click
That night we went to the big fireworks display that turned out to be a fizzer. One of the mortars fell over and fired a rocket along the ground, slightly injuring a few people, so all that type were cancelled. We still got to see the smaller ones but these were behind a big building as they were for a charity and you had to pay to see them properly. A bit disappointing really for the crowd of several thousand. The pubs on the road back to town must have done a roaring trade though. Again, you can see some snaps if you click
Sunday was a day of rest: reading mostly. Which brings us back to the start. What an exciting life we lead!

I don't know if J told you all about the Crimewatch we were involved in. Some night last week (Thursday?) we heard kids outside the apartments. I was watching them from the window thinking they were just playing around but they were on the jetty which is not publicly accessible so it looked a bit dodgy. Some bloke came down the jetty to see what they were up to and the kids scarpered out of sight, with him following. Then the kids came back but he didn't, which I thought was a bit dodgy. J and I went down and found some stuff that had obviously been stolen from one of the boats. We were told that the bloke had been pushed in and "nearly died". J and I walked around the harbour and spotted four of the miscreants on the bridge. 18 or 19 year olds I'd say. As we got back to the flat we met the police so we told them what we knew and that we'd seen the 4 at the bridge. They couldn't find the bloke who'd called them or the one who'd fallen in so couldn't do much at all. J did point out the wet footsteps leading back up the jetty though, so perhaps they followed those. Anyway, there's often something interesting outside our window, even if the opposite isn't true.
Happy Birthday Perry, for the 9th. I hope J takes you somewhere nice.
Hi Perry from Paul and Judy - Happy Birthday.
Great blog and really love the phots.
Take care and have a great day over there!!
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