Wednesday, 31 October 2007

More stuff...

Or not. After pointing out to you all that it was daylight saving we turned up to a movie an hour early, wondering why no-one was around. We eventually saw Metropolis, the 1926 sci-fi silent movie by Fritz Lang. I'd been wanting to see it for years, and clearly so had others as it was a sell-out. It had a live musical accompaniment which wasn't as bad as it might have been: after all, it could have been Radio Gaga. It was all very melodramatic and for some reason our hero ran like Groucho Marx walked. Never mind, the Workers and the Capitalists were reconciled at the finish - don't you love a happy ending?

It's been two steps forward and one step back at work, with minor and major problems turning up every hour. It got so bad that we had to re-do a whole month's reports, and even then I discovered another error. I'm enjoying the challenge of getting my head around the process, and suggesting improvements, but it really is a piece of s**t that is almost designed to cause errors.

I popped up to see about joining a hockey club, but in the dark I couldn't find the bloody entrance! It's out in the countryside so you'd think they'd put a light at the driveway. I'll have to try again during the day...

C is in the middle of exams but is also celebrating her birthday. It's the first one that J hasn't been around for. We gave her a call and she sounded well - from a distance, since I seldom get to say hello directly. She and O are looking forward to their trip over here, and we have booked an apartment in Barcelona for a few days, and in London, and in Oxford.

We received our first power bill this week - it's only taken 6 months. There is still a bill for the previous supplier to be settled, as they want to charge as much for one month as the new one charged for 5. In the end it isn't in our name anyway, so they can't cut us off, but the landlord may need to get involved 'cos for some reason it's in his.

It is dark coming home, but there are lovely reflections on the harbour. I will have to get a tripod so I can photograph some nightscapes.

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