Thursday, 26 April 2007

London explorer

Dinner in Streatham digsLast night we had a dinner party with friends of P&B. They were a nice couple, one in finance and the other in education. Plenty to eat and drink although the latter went to my head.

I had an interview with the agency today so we both headed into town. They have nothing for me as yet, which is OK since we've not got settled yet anyway.

After all the form filling was done we had a nice brunch and then decided to do the tourist bus thing. It was nice but the weather packed in during the J at Streatham Stationafternoon and the battery ran out on the camera. Still, we had a good orientation. Here's a few of the shots...

London Eye and ex-LCC/GLC building
Russell Square and Hotel
The George, on Fleet St
Statue of QE1
St Pauls
Tower of London
Tower Bridge
Detail of St Paul's

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, sorry we didn't see you last Monday at ChCh airport but we figured you were sick of goodbyes anyway. Well done on keeping the blogs up to date and I read tyours and Judi's every morning at work.

Happy job hunting