Monday, 16 April 2007

Frolicking on the tors

We said goodbye to the inlaws and headed home, but detoured to finally see the Sutton Lake Scenic Reserve, after having intended to do so many times. It is a great, rugged landscape finished off by wind and rain erosion, and topped by wonderfully threatening clouds.

J's sad of course, and her shoulder muscles are tight as drums - apparently she's holding all her tension there...

I finally got Ellis finished off, and it is a good read. The only general to have come out of the whole Cassino inferno with any honour seems to have been Alphonse Juin, the French Expeditionery Corp leader. Freyberg, Clark, Leese and Alexander all get slated at one point or another. Sadly even the French don't recognise the efforts of Juin and his men, De Gaulle stealing all the glory in France.

6 nights...Posted by Picasa

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