Encouraged by evidence there is life outside Bath and that a small subset checks the blog occasionally I shall continue...
So cold it's gone purple! |
From our lounge |
The only news of any import (setting aside wars, terrorist threats, and the Aussie Phoenix rising) is the British weather, but then it's always the first topic of conversation so does it count as news? We didn't have to go to Edinburgh for snow as once again it is snowing here in Bath. Some lovely scenes from the comfort of our own lounge, and in fact it is quite heavy as I write. It is once again causing havoc in the UK, with Heathrow and Gatwick, and other airports closed, trains running late, slow, or not at all, roads blocked or just very dangerous, etc. The usual. Damn, I won't be able to do the outside chores J has set me for today. It's probably no consolation for many that the same is true all over northern Europe. W and R may not get to Berlin!
Yes, I am once again unemployed, this state being quite a regular one, though always (to date) temporary. I therefore have a list of chores every morning: today I must clean floors, do laundry, remove a spider from the bathroom (though in this house that's definitely the woman's work, or at least anyone other than arachnophobic moi), vacuum, and deliver a duvet to the dry-cleaners (cancelled by snow). I have added my own list: finish RM's memoirs (only three years late - sorry R), finish the Bailey bridge (only one year late), finish proofing the book, finish reading a novel. Oh, and re-jig my CV, look for work (at Christmas? Who hires over the Christmas/New Year period?), go sledding.
The first bridge bay is added to the launching nose |
The snow has caused havoc for my hockey, with so many games postponed we'll be playing through summer. I have been playing at Captain this year, and what a minefield that has been - I have already caused one player to find another team, and cost the team three points for cancelling a game without the proper authorisation! But I am famous (for the picture - ignore the text)...
Further on the book... we have proof-read to p311 (of 400 odd) and those have gone for indexing and layout. Publication will be in April. Price will be £49.95 so it will break the NZ$100 mark I think.
But it's worth every penny, so buy it!
C & O are currently in that London having a look around. I hope they aren't too limited by the conditions. They are in a central hotel so don't have to rely on the Underground too much, so that should help. I haven't bought Claire's Christmas present yet - must add that to the list. (I just bought my own on-line - don't tell J.)