We took a sleeper train to London which proved an extremely good way of doing the trip. One arrives refreshed and ready to face the day, while avoiding one night's expensive accommodation in the city. J got a really good deal on it which made it even better.
Saturday was spent at the National Archives before booking in to our hotel way on the other side of town. The Jubilee line and the Docklands Light Rail were closed on the weekend so it felt as if the whole area had been cut off, but a bus got us where we needed to be. The hotel was average but a pretty good deal pricewise. On Sunday we

Monday and Tuesday were spent back at the NA, with J providing stirling secretarial services. She was getting through the photocopying faster than I could feed her stuff to copy. She managed the odd search for her family while I caught up though.

We caught up with RH and D for dinner in Brick Lane. The Indian meal was really good value, and the area interesting. R & D are counting down the days, having booked to go home in June. Probably good timing with the economy as it is. R's job might be in jeopardy anyway as the company he works for is talking of making 1000 redundant, with temps probably the first to go.

Getting from our hotel to Victoria took longer than expected so we

On the subject of airport security I have to say that Osama and his ilk have caused so much cumulative stress and disruption just by forcing these ridiculous checks on us that they've won that particular battle even if far less obvious that 9/11. Nearly everyone had to remove shoes and belts on this trip through the scanners, and I was nearly held up for my tooth floss/pick. And is there any real increase in security? Only the dumbest of terrorists

On Sunday a cold blast from Siberia hit England and today it visited bonny Scotland. We got snow most of the day, but it didn't settle for long in town.
Work has instituted daily targets which is worrying some of my workmates. I did some figures today:
We have 59,000 work-orders to process. Let's round that up for convenience to 60,000. That means if we shave a minute off each work-

For even more pics of London follow this link.

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