We had a nice night out on Thursday - plenty of good humour and good company. It was to celebrate one of the project team leaving - or 'escaping' as we prefer to call it. Our decision to leave was probably a timely one as I had just done the upside down pint trick which the victim had responded to by picking the glass up.
We went out again the next night but nobody else turned up. We got a call later when the first people arrived 2 hours after the supposed start time. The organiser
didn't arrive until 2 1/2 hours after he had stated! This is the same guy who owes me L5 for a bet he lost and won't pay up. Lucky for him he graduated this week so I can't give him too much stick.

Today LH arrived to spend a few days with us in Edinburgh. We went for a stroll to show her the neighbourhood, and tomorrow will go see Edinburgh Castle and a little of the old town. It's nice to see her and catch up with some goss from home as well.
Little else has changed so this is a short one. Look at the pics instead. 8-)
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