Before anything else I shall share some good news - After the Battle has agreed to publish my article on 'fake' photos of Cassino, my first independent published work. Now don't all go rushing down to the newsstand for your copy because there is quite a lead time to publication and I don't know when it will actually be in print, but rest assured I will let you all know.

We've also been registering with job agencies and sending off applications but J has only heard back about one position and I have had nothing at all. The problem is that I have no experience for the office/bank work I am looking for, and I don't want to do what I'm experienced in...
There was a hint of sunshine today, so J washed the car in her 'daisy dukes' and heels. Not. Somehow the old bomb passed its MoT (WoF) so we have a a breathing space to fix its major problems, but
I reckon it was the dirt holding things together so we'll see what collapses first.

We visited another castle on Sunday - Bothwell, between here and Edinburgh. It was a nice example with a bit of history to it as you can see here. We had a picnic lunch and gave the dogs a bit of a run. All in all a pleasant day out. And yes, it was sunny for a change.

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