Well, we went into Edinburgh again on Monday and saw a few more flats. While viewing one the agent got a parking ticket so he was probably a little peeved - that'll be half a day's salary for him I'd expect. To top that off we backed off the flat we thought we'd take through him and instead put a deposit down on one with another agency. See J's blog for details. While we did that we got our own ticket, but I am questioning this with the council as the meter appears to have made any error. In case you wonder about the significance, our ticket was issued at 16:08 - only one minute over what should have been our half-hour.
Anyway, we now have to wait for reference checks, etc. As neither of us is in full-time employment they may want to take the whole 6 months in advance which will put a hell of a dent in our savings. Still, better that than no place to live at all. Unfortunately the job situation is less encouraging for me, though J has had her CV sent off for a couple of posts already.
We went to Hancock at the movies. Average. I'm more keen to see Wall-e so we may go today, though I think J has other ideas. It isn't sunny out, but it is at least mild so I guess we should make the most of it. It's the nearest we'll get to summer it would seem.
My article is being polished off, but as the photos ordered for it are unlikely to make the November edition cut-off, it is most likely to be published in February. Hooray.