Wednesday, 30 January 2008


Two parcels arrived today, and neither exploded. The first was J's DVD replacement for her laptop so that was installed and tested OK within minutes. The other was the the flourscent tube for my laptop. Not quite as smooth there. First, the connector was different, and the endcaps were slightly larger as well so it didn't fit without a bit of a squeeze. I managed to pull the wires out of the connector and swap it with the old one, and here we are. Hoo-bloody-ray!

I got news from JD that she is engaged so that was very nice. One more wedding I'll miss. I'm not sure if I mentioned earlier that Dad and M are getting married in March, which was also great news, even if it will be the second of his that I've missed. I missed Karina's and Steven's as well, so I'm not very good at family events am I? Lucky to have made mine I suppose.

We're off to London again on Saturday to pick up C&O. Their phone seems to have died so we can't contact them any more. We assume they're fine or they would have used some other means to contact us.

Next week we have 3 nights in Barcelona, where we get to see the Sagrada Familia - you know, that very gaudy church. Non por favor. Si, un cervesa por favor. No hable Espanol. Whatever.

Until then more spreadsheets. At least I can now do more work on my laptop. Yippee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hoorah he says and so says me
no more contests for my own pc.
The part made him swear cos it did not fit,
but now he's as happy as a pig in.....