Thursday, 13 September 2007

Just in the nick of time

What a strange expression when you look at it. What is its origin, I wonder?

Wednesday morning brought a call from the Agency and I have three days work. Given our poorly finances this is just in time. That day was at John Cabot, so wasn't too bad, although not much work was done. Today and tomorrow were/are Wyvern, a different kettle of fish. I had a couple of Y7 classes, the first nice, the last rowdy but OK, and an average Y8. The two Y11s were 'orrible. In one a kid smacked another for no apparent reason so he was sent out, while a girl wandered out and never came back. In the other, the kids were rude, inappropriate, and did f... all. Just why I love teaching so much now. L100 less tax.

After no calls for two weeks, I get three on the one day. 3 days of teaching, and two possible positions in offices. One of the latter, for only L7 p.h., was filled before I could see them, but I'm not sad about that at all. The other, paying a little better, I will hear more about tomorrow I think. I have sent off about 15 applications and some bounce back pretty quickly, but there are one or two interesting ones still waiting to close off.

The good news is that I am allowed a beer or three, which will be most pleasant while watching the rugby over the weekend. Last night we watched England beat Russia in the other football. England played well which makes a change.

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