Monday, 20 August 2007

Rivers to cross

Today I visited every river crossing I knew about in the Gari River. Some from both sides. Ask me anything, go on.

I got a letter from my Mum which was great, and full of NZ news which we don't get. Feel free to use the comments to send us news at any time!

Off to Rome tomorrow so beddy byes now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings Perry and Judi,
It is another superb, fine winter's nor'wester day here in Waddington. Marilyn is in Nelson visiting her mother and doing things in the Abel Tasman batch. Also a fine day there.
Browsing thru your nice pics of Bristol.
Nick has thrown his crutches away and his hip joint has healed well. He is doing a little biking. Dion has placed tiles in our bathroom( with new bath), kitchen, loo. This upgrades the place nicely. Still haven't got bricks on the shed but am busy in there doing some experiments.
I've become deeply involved in a new experiment being built at U.C.Berkeley and the Merced campus with Prof. Ray Chiao. This involves generating and detecting gravitational waves and will have considerable commercial inpact in communications if successful. ie.,direct broadband links through the earth, detection of early big bang effects, large ringlasers, etc.
Also looking at a new type of superconducting ringlaser. I can do some experiments with high temperature superconductors by getting liquid nitrogen from Physics Dept.
We had an Franz, an Austrian fellow stayting with us a few weeks ago. He went snowboarding and we visited Castle Hill for a stroll.
Faye is thinking about visiting Ursula later this year. Qunetin's car packed a sad near the plastic donu now reclining in Springfield (a promotion for "The Simpsons). The latter being one of the better programs BCNZ/NZOA picks from the USA.
I am enjoying the access broadband gives to the science literature here.
Can't always access journals though (too expensive).
All for now, I'm off to "The Shed"
Daddyo (26Aug07)
PS Lunar Eclipse next NZ Tuesday night..........