The agency called with work on Friday, but as J had already left with the car I only had public transport so would be late getting to the school. (Broadoak - a train and a bus away.) They rang back to cancel me so I ended up with the day off. All rather strange then that they rang again today (Monday) and wanted me despite the delay. This time the trains were delayed due to the ongoing effects of the flooding so I didn't get on one until 8:55. Then when I arrived in Weston I asked a bus driver where I could catch a bus to the school. She said she went past it, but what she didn't mention was that she stopped at every stop in Weston, and some outside the town
before she went past. It was 10:00 before I got to the school, and they'd already called the agency to find out where I was! I could have walked in 20 mins. The stupid thing is they knew the teacher wouldn't be in as she's been off sick for a week already and isn't likely to want to come in for the last three days of the school year, so they could have arranged cover a week ago.
Anyway, I missed P1, and by then they'd arranged some other cover P2. P3 the kids were shits and I had 4 next door with the HoD before the settled down. P5 was average and P6 I tried teaching the Haka to fill in the lesson. Of course I don't know the haka, so even with the help of a nice interactive website it was a bit of a cludge. Better than the worksheets they had though... L100 less tax.

J has written a little about the weekend. We got new cellphones so ring/text the old and we'll reply with the new number. Nice phones I guess, but J is more enthused than I at the moment. It filled in most of one day and some of the next though.
There was a bit of sunshine on the Sunday and rather than Bristolians going to the beach, the beach came to them. It seemed quite popular, but noone was jumping in the water - I wonder why?

I'm quite excited about finally getting back to Italy, and have also recently found some potentially good sources of photographs. One in particular has rarer photos that would be great for our book, but I have yet to hear back from them. I also found some that help me with my own article so I am looking forward to the job of tracking down the locations of, and matching photos for it.
We caught up with C for afternoon tea. It's always nice to shoot the breeze. Thanks to the miracles of modern technology M had managed to record the All Blacks - Wallabies game and save it to DVD. We watched it on my laptop that night. It was a good result of course, but not the best of games, I guess partly because of the lousy weather. BTW, who was the one player who wasn't confirmed in the squad of 30? The paper here said this had happened but didn't name the player.
We've just confirmed a house-sitting in Sicily in November. Should be interesting. See J's blog for more details.
That extra person the AB's have not names is Greg Sommerville. They are waiting to see if he recovers from injury.
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