Since the NAM didn't seem to have any more to offer I went to the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum. In stark contrast to all the other archives I was shown to the photo collection and then left to my own devices. They are far too trusting I feel, as you could walk away with all sorts of stuff if you were unscrupulous. However, it was also the least organised archive, with no apparent finding aids, (and, of course, everything in Polish). I spent the day flipping through one album after another, taking photos as I went. I filled 2 1/2 memory sticks with these. Many images were duplications but there were also some useful ones, and many that were interesting.
The Italian archive got back to me to say they had found some aerial shots of Cassino, so they may be useful also. We just have negotiate prices now!
I had a better sleep in the new room in the hostel. No snorers, and not as much foot traffic. Still too short a bed though. The next two nights J and I have a proper bed so these things might not be an issue.

Speaking of J, she gets in at 11:49 so I had better start moving. It's curious being back on the Tube again, as it is all so familiar. In fact, I tend to take the city for granted a little which is a shame as it deserves fresh eyes. Perhaps J will be better for that. We're meeting L for lunch as it's the only spare time he has with his global jet setting lifestyle. I'd like to give him a hard time about his carbon count, but our own is not exemplary.
J tells me there've been dramas outside our apartment window, which I'm sure you can read about on her blog. Now you can see the attraction of peering out the window!
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