Thursday, 22 March 2007

Well folks, this is my first posting to my first blog. I'm hoping that you'll be able to follow our travels and travails here, as well as see how my research is going.

For now though, there are 30 sleeps until we leave and it is starting to get frighteningly real. We have no accommodation and Bristol seems to be fully booked, at least in the low end of the market. We have no jobs, though we've signed up with some agencies, and we have no transport, other than (the more than adequate) public.

On the other hand, we have a little money, visas for up to 5 years, a couple of couches to sleep on if we're desperate and each other. What else do we need?


Anonymous said...

Hello Perry (and Judy who I don't know, yet - nice to meet you Judy!! ) .Your Trip will be "Excellent" for sure. I dont know the Roads you want to walk in Europe, next months but if you pass near my town, let me know...;-) . I will save for you some soup and some Italian Homemade Pizza. Ciao. Vincenzo

Anonymous said...

Good luck guys, who knows Rianne and I may come to visit you in the UK at some stage and my boss has said that he may want us to move to London at the end of the year so we may be closer than you think