I still have no work other than the bits and bobs the school feeds me. I did some supply the other day and have more tomorrow. It brought all the negative memories back with it, but we need the money... The students were asking why I was a teacher one day and a lunch-lady the next. It's all about the recession I told them. Later this week I may be a photographer, so a different hat again.
In the meantime I have been doing some voluntary graphics and layout work, but the captions file has now arrived from JP so I have to get on to that. I told him that with all that free time beforehand this was a guarantee that I'd get a job.
We caught up with our Italian friends again in Bristol. It was a lovely evening for passagiata, but it was suprisingly hard to find a coffee at 9.30 on a Friday night. Either you had to have a meal, or they were too busy (to serve a hot drink!), or their licence didn't permit children, or whatever. An entirely different culture. Not many families, just miniskirts, heels and orange faces.