In mid-December I decided to shout myself some memory for my laptop so it wouldn't struggle with Photoshop, etc. I ordered 2 Gb from the above company expecting it to arrive in the advertised 1-3 business days. It arrived in April, after first going to our old Bristol address (we hadn't changed PayPal and the company used that address) then being forwarded to various others before finally being returned undelivered. It was a very frustrating business as the company didn't seem to care, and Royal Mail couldn't actually tell us where it was at any time even though it was a signature required delivery.
So it finally arrived and I plugged it into the laptop whereupon I discovered that one of the DIMMs was faulty! I therefore sent it back and they promised a replacement in their usual 1-3 business days. Of course you can probably guess what happened next. They sent it to the original shipping address despite PayPal having been updated and our new address given on the RMA form! It didn't take as long this time for it to be returned undelivered, and today a parcel arrived on my doorstep, just 5 1/2 months after the initial order.
Even now they screwed up: instead of the one replacement DIMM they reshipped the original order of two, or perhaps it was by way of apology for their pathetic service. Either way I now have a spare 1 GB DIMM for a laptop...
The irony, dear readers, is that my laptop died a month ago and still hasn't been fixed (another saga) so I have nothing to plug the memory into!